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Fir Vale Streetlights always out!


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Why is Fir Vale so crap for streetlighting?. . . for the past week now lights on the main road ( Owler Lane ) and Skinnerthorpe Road have been out almost every night. It's not the ideal place to be walking at night but when you have to, it doesnt make it any easier.


A neighbour told me he'd phoned the council and told them but the only reply he got was a 'oh, we'll look into it' :confused:

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Are you back for good then Lestat or what?? :P


Is it too dark for you? I thought you liked it all dark and spooky :hihi:


I'm back till mid November mate, also I dont have a problem with the dark :twisted: got to admit it's more fun creeping up on people! LOL!

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