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What on earth are our troops doing in Afghanistan?

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We’re in Afghanistan because the Islamist regime (the Taliban) which eventually took control of most of Afghanistan after many years of civil war in the fall out after the Soviet Unions failed invasion can Al-Qaeda a base of operations from which to train recruits and plan attacks against the west.


After the attacks on the US on 11/9/2001 (and a number of other less spectacular attacks) it was decided that the Taliban needed to be deposed to deprive Al Qaeda of its safe haven, and a stable, democratic government created in the Taliban’s place to prevent resurgent Islamists from once more creating a safe haven for the likes of Al Qaeda.


We are currently taking such heavy casualties in Afghanistan because Bush & Blair for reasons best known to themselves decided to turn their backs on Afghanistan when the job was only half done and invade Iraq which had absolutely nothing to do with Al Qaeda. The unnecessary war of choice in Iraq has left our armed forces dangerously overstretched and without sufficient numbers to do the job they are being asked to do in Afghanistan.

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Have you just arrived on earth?

Or do you just ignore the events happening around you?


No, and no again...

I just can't see the reason why "our lads" have to be involved, especially as we know that the Ruskies tried for many years, and were beaten by the opposition, the terrain and the climate...


Thanks for your comment, Artisan, curt though it was.........

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