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Baffled (temporarily?!)


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Will try to keep this short - might even add emphasis to the problem!


Have written some eBooks, eventually making an exe file from x html pages, each featuring text, a few jpgs, a few gifs here and there, and a few flash items.

Initially no problems : compiled in an exe file with (bought and licensed!) eBook compiler.....all worked well, and have subsequently sent a few of these books to friends across the globe......Triff.....


This morning, ran one of these books on my own laptop, only to find that some of the flash elements "aren't there", just leaving a gap where they should be....


Ran the self-same file on my lad's PC, and guess what?

All absolutely fine.....


Back to mine, same problem.....


I've noticed that the smaller flash elements play, but the bigger ones do not....but they all used to....


It's not as though I need the original *.swf files on my PC - they are all compiled in the resulting exe file.....


Any ideas?!

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A bit more....

Since posting the first item, I've found a zipped file of the original exe....

Unzip on laddo's PC, all plays fine.

Unzip to mine, same problem - some flash plays, some doesn't....


Methinks must therefore be a setting on my PC - perhaps flash <xkb allowed, but >xkb not?


Don't understand....!

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Does the compiled ebook use Internet Explorer to display content? There was an update to IE a while ago that effects the way flash is displayed. Perhaps that could be causing the problems, if your son's PC doesn't have it and yours does?

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Does the compiled ebook use Internet Explorer to display content? There was an update to IE a while ago that effects the way flash is displayed. Perhaps that could be causing the problems, if your son's PC doesn't have it and yours does?


Yes - my laptop uses IE - latest version.

Laddo's PC uses Firefox....


eBook does not use IE to display.....it's just an exe file that runs a "presentation" on screen....

More baffling still, the eBook has run perfectly well up to yesterday, with all flash elements showing.....

Nothng dodgy downloaded ; checked virus/spyware ; don't recall changing any settings...in fact, was writing some html for another book when I became aware of the problem....

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