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Best job to annoy people?

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My job as Bus Driver puts me in a postition where I can ruin someones day.


for example


1) arriving late

2) driving past passengers at bus stops instead of picking them up

3) driving through puddles soaking people



Buy what do you do? how do you upset people in your place of work ? upsetting the customers


maybe your a professional footballer who never scores? come on you Wednesday players, write in


Maybe you are a City Ambassador, who enjoys giving people wrong directions


Maybe you are a driving instructor, who lets off corkers during a driving lession, creating a stink.



how do you make your day at work more bearable, by upsetting customers?

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I'm a Glass Cutter, and if i'm in one of "those" moods, i'll move the work that has to be cut for the next day, underneath the rest of the work. So the customers probably won't get their glass on time.


Boss: If you're reading this, It's Tomo ere, not Scarby!... honest!!! :D

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My job as Bus Driver puts me in a postition where I can ruin someones day.


for example


1) arriving late

2) driving past passengers at bus stops instead of picking them up

3) driving through puddles soaking people



Buy what do you do? how do you upset people in your place of work ? upsetting the customers


maybe your a professional footballer who never scores? come on you Wednesday players, write in


Maybe you are a City Ambassador, who enjoys giving people wrong directions


Maybe you are a driving instructor, who lets off corkers during a driving lession, creating a stink.



how do you make your day at work more bearable, by upsetting customers?


How old are you?


Are you really a bus driver what does this? :confused:

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