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Browzar Secure web browsing


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Yes I am spending the afternoon surfing the web again!!




Personally I can't see me dumping firefox and firefox can be setup to do what this program says it can do. Just another entry into a crowded marketplace.


Also it is so small it must be using the IE rendereing engine yuck!

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but the media have latched onto it like the scrotum-lice they are, whilst not fully understanding anything. at all.

you have a wonderfully descriptive turn of phrase there, mind if I use it sometime :)

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You're right - indeed it does use IE as an ActiveX component. Hell, I wrote soemthing similar to this for a client a few years back!


It's not going to be any more secure or private than IE is if you use IE properly and clean up after you.


Why the media have gone bananas on this I have no idea - I guess it's still the Silly Season.


And LL200 - that's a great phrase, but what I saw in my mind's eye almost put me off my breakfast. :)

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