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Due to not having much room for owt else in this bloody room I have to live in, I've decided that to pass boredom a bit more, that i'm going to invest in a handheld console.


I'm more or less stuck between choosing the Sony Psp, or the Nintendo DS. (ds lite???)


I've heard mixed reviews about both the Sony and Nintendo systems.


I'm slightly more tempted towards the Psp, mainly because of the Sony name I suppose, and the fact that i've owned a Ps1 and Ps2, and not been disappointed.


Anyone got anymore views about these systems before I go rushing out to buy one?


Ta velly mucho. :)

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I've had a go on both and I prefer the PSP, feels nicer in your hands. I don't own either though, I very nearly bought a PSP whilst I was travelling but decided it would be better to keep the money for sightseeing/entertainment. I'm still very tempted, but can't really justify it as I'd use it for about 10 minutes on the tram to and from work.

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I'd have to go with the DS, as with all the nintendo consoles, the games just have more of a playability about them. The PSP is very good graphicswise, but I think the fact that their are 5 DS's sold for every 1 PSP sold shows which one is more playable.


The DS is much more of a pick up and play console, especially with games like Mario Kart, whereas with the PSP, it takes that long to load up that by the time is loaded, you dont want to play that game anymore!

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I have both, and out of the 2, I play on the DS (Lite) more, simply because its A) protected (the screen(s) are covered) so its easier to carry, B) Its smaller (Fits easier in a pocket)


I only really use the PSP for movies now, whilst on long train journeys or something, Used to play on it all the time, but got bored of the games and cant afford any more at the moment.. :( -- and to be honest the DS Games are looking more attractive than the PSP games at this time...


the only things i'll say about the PSP is the easy, in built WiFi/web access.. and the Screen is VERY Nice (and it plays movies and mp3's as standard, where as the DS doesnt do any of that)


I know the DS has WiFi, but its not as simple as the PSP's, in that you have to have a WiFi enabled game to beable to use the DS's WiFi etc...


in conclusion, DS for Games (better / more games available) or PSP for a complete entertainment package (web browsing, mp3's, movies, games, Pictures, etc)

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