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The totally bizarre Cravings And Urges megathread (not for the faint-hearted!)

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I didn't crave anything bizzare, but as someone who went totally off milk and anything milky about 25 years ago, it was strange that throughout this pregnancy I was craving all things milky - milk shakes, porridge, rice pudding, youghurt drinks etc

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no cravings at all here, i went the other way - i actually didn't want to eat really anything at all, as everything made me vomit. i forced myself to eat the bear minimum of fruit and veg, took vitamins, and otherwise subsisted from week 3 of pregnancy until 2 days after giving birth on the blandest foods available.


actually, i had so much trouble with being sick and developing an aversion to food that i was prescribed high calorie/high fat milkshakes (like the ones that anorexics are tricked into drinking) as they were small enough that i could force them down and digest some before vomiting it back up. 600 calories in half a pint, no less! now i'm trying to shift the half a stone of pure lard that's still here 3 months later.

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