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Eek - I have a mouse!

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:) I've got two young kittens???:hihi:
Can anyone suggest the best (and kindest) way to get rid of a mouse? I haven't seen it, only its droppings. They're definitely mouse-sized. I absolutely don't want to use a trap that will kill or poison my furry squatter. Are those humane traps any good?
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Not sure about humane traps to be honest. Never heard of them . :suspect:


If you don't want the mouse back in your house it might be an idea to either bite the bullet and use a normal trap (RIP mousie) or if you do manage to catch it take it for a long ride in your car and set it free in the wild......where it's almost sure to get eaten by a wandering owl or something. Otherwise it'll be back in your house within 24 hours. :roll:

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I'm the most mouse-loving, live-and-let-live person going, but if I ever again had 'a mouse' I'd bite the bullet and get rid of 'it', before 'it' turned into so many that you get numbed by the number of mouse-bodies splattered against the kitchen cupboards by the mouse-traps that you've finally had no choice but to buy!


I was cool until I switched on the light one evening and saw the whole kitchen wall (not in this house) covered in mice! It was incredible how they'd multiplied. They left me with no choice. :( It would have been kinder (to the rest) to have got rid of the first one.

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