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What's the best remedy for acid reflux & indigestion ?

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If you've had it continually for a few days, you really should see your GP or at least have a chat with the pharmacist.

Ranitidine is good, which I believe you can buy over the counter.

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I have been suffering now for the last few days and im unsure why - Any ideas how to get rid of it?

The doc can prescribe some good anti acid drugs such as,Ranitidine,or if you dont want to wait buy "Gavilast"(the same drug) which gives relief for up to 12 hours.Still better to see doc though,as can be mistaken for something else.

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Agree entirely with other posters jennifer- if it's a recent thing and it's not just normal for you then it really needs checking over before you self-prescribe for it, especially if you've got any new medication.


For short term help with the symptoms anything from simple antacids to ranitidine (Zantac) or omeprazole (Losec) can help, but it makes sense to rule out known causes before treating it.

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Reflux can be caused by anything from eating too much to an ulcer or hiatus hernia, to side effect of a multitude of medication from antibiotics to anti inflammatories.


Which means it may be something to worry about, but it probably isn't. If it's normal for you then it's predictable, but if it's new for you then it's not routine- so you should check out that it's 'just' reflux before you treat it as that.

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Well I went to the docs months ago andhe put me on pills that are only to be used short term...lots of bad side effects, but I went back three weeks ago and he gave me a huge box of them.

Theyre supposed to be good but if I miss taking one by as much as 20 minutes I`m in agony..

I think I`m turning in to a hypochondriac.

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Well I went to the docs months ago andhe put me on pills that are only to be used short term...lots of bad side effects, but I went back three weeks ago and he gave me a huge box of them.

Theyre supposed to be good but if I miss taking one by as much as 20 minutes I`m in agony..

I think I`m turning in to a hypochondriac.

They wouldnt help if youd got a stomach ulcer, you would need the camera down.Try not to eat or drink anything acidic(especially alchohol) I know its hard,but it does work to cut these things out.

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