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Crookes Endowed School

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Whew ...I'm on a roll here. I wonder if there is anyone participating in this forum who was a past student of Crookes Endowed School - circa 1952-57?


Some of the kids I remember were Terry Severn, Colin Horsefield, Derek Bown, Raymond Jessup, John Beardshaw, Colin Beardshaw, Roger Steele, John Barron, Barry Alsop, Michael Frost, Raymond Needham ...oh, I could keep going.


Some of the teachers were Mr. Grant, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Harris, and Miss Ramsden. The principle's name was Mr. Glossop.


I realize that none of you are kids any more :hihi: but I still am - in my mind anyway. Does that suggest a problem that requires therapy? Anyway, love to hear from some or any of you. I was Rod, the good looking, academic, and talented one who was 'bussed in' each schoolday from Fulwood Cottage Homes which was later renamed Blackbrooke Mount.::heyhey:

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Originally posted by skippy

Gday Rod, I remember you & was in the same class, I left Crookes when I was 12, now living in Oz, I thought you were too.




Sure glad to hear from you, Skippy! ...as in bush kangaroo?


Yep, I'm in Townsville, Nth QLD. I'll be sending you an email shortly, Trev. Thanks for contacting me. :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by skippy

Hey sputnickboy, our history has gone, will we be next ?

Now you should know why you never hear anything from the past students, exterminate, exterminate, Ha Ha.



I'm not so sure. Maybe the ghosts of some of the students still remain and walk the halls to keep the history alive. Oh my, the ghost of Miss Ramsden would be especially freaky ...particularly if she isn't dead yet.


By the way, skippy, do you still recall the names of Sherwood, Epping, Dean and Arden and what they represented? Can you apply the colors of blue, red, green and yellow to them?

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I think they were forests Sput, I was in Sherwood & red.

I liked Miss Ramsden when I was in her class & thought she was quite sexy even at that young age, might have been something in the school dinners you reckon, Ha Ha.

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