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Sheffield University's Micro Aggression Police

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Hitler would have been proud.


From the Telegraph online.......

Do you like sushi? Stop touching my hair! Why are you frying a banana? These are just some of the phrases we’re not allowed to utter at Sheffield

University anymore. They’re “micro-aggressions” (subtly racist remarks), apparently. 


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53 minutes ago, kaytie said:

I'm afraid my initial thought is "Snowflake overreaction".

Or actions in response to requests from people on the receiving end.

I'm guessing that the Daily Telegraph managed to pick out the juiciest sound bites from whoever it interviewed. Standard practice from right wing rags. As is just making stuff up.

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35 minutes ago, Funky_Gibbon said:

No, it's a load of right-wing BS written about supposed left-wing BS. It's the Daily Telegraph, clickbait pretending to be news.

If the Telegraph offends you so much then choose on of the many links I provided in post 3

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54 minutes ago, Funky_Gibbon said:

No, it's a load of right-wing BS written about supposed left-wing BS. It's the Daily Telegraph, clickbait pretending to be news.

So it's not true? 


If you have any evidence of that I suggest you write to the Telegraph to complain. 

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