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Winter Stomach bugs / Norovirus

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Bloody hell..never encountered anything like this in my 41 years. I had quite of few of those, but this Norovirus is another level.

For  last 48 hours already my bathroom sounds like Stalingrad  in 1942,  and I feeling like been interrogated  by KGB for 5 days straight

Beware people, wash your hands, an watch out, this is some nasty stuff

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My daughter has it now for the second time in 2 weeks! My next door neighbours kids who go to the same nursery as my daughter have it, and my partner has it.

Feel so sorry for her. 

Wash your hands and use sanitizer or something! 

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Norovirus does the rounds every winter.

It's spread by droplet infection - spray from the vomit and faeces.

Wash your hands well with soap and water if you are dealing with someone who has the illness.

Beware of handrails and door handles in public areas as they are rife with germs of all kinds - especially as there are a surprising number of people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet.

The illness is  fast and furious and very unpleasant but is usually over and done with in a few days and it can make you feel very washed out for a while afterwards.

If you or someone near to you has had the illness avoid visiting hospitals as it spreads quickly with patients on wards being in close proximity and often physically vulnerable.


Edited by Daven

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Yes..there are literally hundreds of people at the place where I work.  And yes, I noticed that large number of the people don't wash the hand after using the toilet, and what's more disturbing, significant number of people don't flush  the toilet after number 2!!

Edited by Guest

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Had it, was horrendous.


Nephew had it a few weeks earlier, must have got it from him though we didn't see him until after he was fine again.


Came on so fast, went from "hmmm feeling a bit weird" to sprinting to loo in about 10 mins.


Thought stomach was empty after about 30 mins going at it... turns out.. I was wrong :(

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1 hour ago, croat77 said:

Yes..there are literally hundreds of people at the place where I work.  And yes, I noticed that large number of the people don't wash the hand after using the toilet, and what's more disturbing, significant number of people don't flush  the toilet after number 2!!

On several occasions I have noticed that the Tesco Extra in Rotherham town centre has no soap in either of the two containers on the wall. I report it, but something is lacking for  the problem to keep happening. I mean, how hard can it be-when one dispenser is empty refill straight away. Don`t wait until both are empty. 


There will be people coming out of those toilets touching shopping baskets, handling food and touching food items that other customers are going to buy. 



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I always carry a packet of wipes and a small bottle of alcohol rub with me in my handbag.

I've often been the butt of jokes but have swerved the dreaded NV for some time now.

Shouldn't have said that........... tempting fate.......🤢

Edited by Daven

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Clinell surface and skin wipes, along with stringent hand washing and learning to touch as few surfaces as possible and keep your hands away from your face even when you think your hands are clean.  

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