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We're two design students trying to collect some research in the form of recipes for our current project wanting to explore Sheffield's Food Culture, and particularly the traditions and interests people have when cooking at home.


We would really like people if they had old or new recipes lying around, or even if they write their recipes down and photograph/scan them in, and send to our email at sheffieldrecipearchive@gmail.com


We're interested in the lost tradition of recipe sharing by hand (obviously we do a lot of online sharing) and we really value the beauty of old and new recipes in that format.


If anyone would be interested in getting involved do simply scan or photograph a recipe of your choice! and watch this space!


Thank you to anyone that participates, and any general feedback or ramblings around this idea would be appreciated to! What are you thoughts on sharing recipes? do you still do it? did your grandparents? etc etc.

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