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101 night noise service cancelled

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I used this council service once, back some 12 years ago. They promised to send someone to my next door neighbour, but never turned up.

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Just had a call from the neucence ream and they have a new out of ours number. 07581 426481

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I do not consider myself a complainer I work full time and look after my 2 year old granddaughter after work and very much need my sleep, my area was fine until 3 months ago when my neighbours moved out of their property and let it out to a mate who has all night party's right though Friday and Saturday night having around 15 to 20 people in the property. I was told by the 101 service that I needed to get the parties witnessed and was soul destroyed when I called at the weekend only to be told the service had been removed! this is making me unwell. Am I now going to get a discount on my council tax as I am now unable to use my property as I should be able to. I haven't been able to sit in my lounge since they moved in, this is just allowing people to behave like animals with no consequence!!!

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Makes you wonder if the council has financial issues with its enforcement budget?

Also, they tend to loose in court if the perpetrator has health issues covered under the Equalities Act.


An elderly neighbour up our road lives next door to a woman with mental health/alcohol issues. This woman is on a suspended possession order for antisocial behaviour. The housing association keeps getting a rehearing every so often only for it to be suspended in the perpetrators favour.

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I live on a busy road and recently had trouble sleeping when I came off nights due to the noise of the traffic.


I bought some of these and now my wife has to physically wake me rather than shout from downstairs as I can't hear her!

It's worth a try for £2 if the noise only affects your sleeping.



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I bought some of these but due to the level of noise I still was unable to sleep, I even tried putting headphones over the top to no avail

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I bought some of these but due to the level of noise I still was unable to sleep, I even tried putting headphones over the top to no avail


Good grief! If the noise is that loud I would have called police. They can still come round and tell them to turn the music down.

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I live on a busy road and recently had trouble sleeping when I came off nights due to the noise of the traffic.


I bought some of these and now my wife has to physically wake me rather than shout from downstairs as I can't hear her!

It's worth a try for £2 if the noise only affects your sleeping.




I bought some of these but due to the level of noise I still was unable to sleep, I even tried putting headphones over the top to no avail

Try noise-canceling headphones? See Wikipaedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise-cancelling_headphones for more about them or http://uk.ask.com/web?q=noise-cancelling+headphones&qsrc=0&o=312&l=dir&qo=homepageSearchBox for a link to relevant websites.

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