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Is Donald Trump a conman?

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It will be a shame when the Republican debates finish,the comedy genius of Trump/Cruz/Rubio together is class entertainment.

Trump doesn't even have to say anything,just the sight of him standing up there with that indignant look on his face while he's waiting for the other 2 to start on him is enough.

Surely they can get their own show together after the circus is over,or a slot on one of the talk shows where they can do a few sketches per show.


Perhaps the difference between Trump and his two main rivals is that, whereas Trump is fascinatingly obnoxious, Cruz and Rubio are just obnoxious. The perverse side of me is hoping Trump gets the nomination, purely on entertainment grounds. I can't see him doing well in debates against Clinton though - he appears to have a very limited grasp of detail and in 'one on one' debates I expect him to resort to abuse rather than well-informed argument.


---------- Post added 09-03-2016 at 16:00 ----------


Another aspect of the primary season which has not been much mentioned in press coverage in the UK is the subliminal influence of campaign donors. For example, Cruz, Rubio and Clinton have each been receiving very substantial financial donations from strong supporters of Israel. Moreover, the latter tend to favour the extreme Likudist form of Zionism. It is noticeable that both Cruz and Rubio have both made speeches offering unequivocal support for Israel and criticising Trump for daring to suggest that he would seek to solve the Israel-Palestine dispute by adopting the role of neutral arbiter. Trump is the only candidate not to be dependent so far on campaign donations - which is not to say that at some point he will not come under the influence of the lobbies.

Edited by NigelFargate
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I remember saying earlier on this thread that a perverse side of me was hoping that Trump might win the Republican nomination, for the entertainment value he would provide during the forthcoming Election. However, having listened to some of his statements (which verge on paranoia) over the last few days , I think he is too scary and dangerous to contemplate as a nominee, even in jest. However, I think the sheer Trumpiness of Trump will be his downfall, as I can't see the US electorate opting for him.

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I remember saying earlier on this thread that a perverse side of me was hoping that Trump might win the Republican nomination, for the entertainment value he would provide during the forthcoming Election. However, having listened to some of his statements (which verge on paranoia) over the last few days , I think he is too scary and dangerous to contemplate as a nominee, even in jest. However, I think the sheer Trumpiness of Trump will be his downfall, as I can't see the US electorate opting for him.


They voted GW bush in.




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Indeed they did.


Bush was in my view a dreadful president, but he was not a megalomaniac


No, he was warmongering idiot with a low iq. On a global scale, I'm not sure trump would be as damaging as bush was. I think trump would dial down the rhetoric if he won and be a more inward looking president. It would still be bad though!

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No, he was warmongering idiot with a low iq. On a global scale, I'm not sure trump would be as damaging as bush was. I think trump would dial down the rhetoric if he won and be a more inward looking president. It would still be bad though!


I don't dispute what you say about Bush, although perhaps I would be slightly more charitable to him, in that I think he allowed himself to be manipulated by neo-con warmongering idiots. Ironically, prior to 9/11 Bush was regarded as an inward-looking president, too lazy and incurious to want to do very much (unlike the previous incumbent, Clinton, who was and is a 'liberal interventionist').

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Trump vs. Clinton might be closer than you'd think. Democrats and independents who don't like Clinton really don't like her, to the extent that some of them will abstain or vote Green (yes, they do put up a candidate), or just possibly even vote for Trump. And although Trump is obviously way to the right of Clinton on the bigotry-tolerance axis, he's well to her left on the economic policy axis.


Remember that Trump is the "moderate" or even "liberal" Republican candidate. The real crazies are voting for Cruz (who is way to the right of Hillary on both axes). And remember also that, broadly speaking, Clinton is only winning in states that are going to vote Republican anyway come the general election.


Currently, all the indications are that Trump vs. Sanders would be a shoo-in for the Democrats, however.


Trump vs. Clinton vs. Sanders would be interesting, I'd predict a Trump victory.


Throw into the mix the (remote) possibility of a non-Trump establishment-approved Republican candidate (GOP diehards are already talking hopefully of a brokered convention), and we have the wildest election that I can remember!


Sanders, has no chance whatever of getting the Democratic nomination. Let's hit that nail on the head straight away. It's going to be Clinton the Republican opposes, whoever gets the GOP nomination.


that someone, is probably going to be Trump especially if he pulls in Florida and Ohio in the primaries in the next few days. Although the Republican convention when summer breaks, will be one to remember, the actual general election in November won't be one to remember. Clinton is going to walk it.


Trump is already sharpening his knives for the November showdown, but he will find only barren ground. Almost no of the 6-10 key battleground states which will determine the outcome of the election, will vote for him.


basically, if all the Republicans can serve up to field in this presidential election is a clown like Trump, then they deserve everything they are going to get, and don't deserve any more to so easily win American presidential elections like they used to do. That was Bill Clinton's big achievement, and which Obama with his two presidential wins, embellished. Republican candidates, are going to find it more difficult to win American presidential elections, than they did before. For one faction in American politics, to win three elections in a row is very unusual especially if that faction is the Democratic one. But that is what is going to happen.

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