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Building work spotted at old NICHE on Sidney Street


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Was just passing the former Niche premises on Sidney Street last week, when I spotted building workers working just inside the former entrance-door.

Is there any news of what is happening to the building? Is it being resurrected as a bar/club? There is lots of other development going on along that side of Sidney Street and also along the bottom of Matilda Street, including the old Matilda pub which now has scaffolding around it.

Let's hope that some decent pubs/bars will at long last be appearing around this largely forgotten corner of the city centre, close to important existing venues such as Leadmill and Bloc Space, and also adjacent to the Cultural Industries Quarter...

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I believe it's going to be demolished (planning approvals 14/02921/FUL and 15/04482/FUL), along with a lot of the buildings on both sides of Sidney Street, to make way for a new development:


"6-storey / 5-storey / 4-storey blocks providing flexible use space, student flats, residential apartments, townhouses, bar, microbrewery and winter garden" (planning application 11/12386/FUL).

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Niche building is coming down the old Heathcotes factory that stood at the back of Niche as already gone. Niche in any case could not be reopened as it had a Crackhouse order on it. Matilda Tavern the last I heard was going to be flats, the building suffered a fire and work stopped on it and was left . I remember the Matilda when it was open two small rooms nice if it did reopen not many places around their.

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