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Ipad battery life


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Do ipad batteries need replacing, can they be replaced.....? Reason I ask is that mine was on charge overnight, and one hour later, life is at 83%, so will probably not last the day. The pad is a few years old now, and is, as I suppose all ipads are, in regular use.

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Do ipad batteries need replacing, can they be replaced.....? Reason I ask is that mine was on charge overnight, and one hour later, life is at 83%, so will probably not last the day. The pad is a few years old now, and is, as I suppose all ipads are, in regular use.

I do not think it is a very good idea to leave it on charge overnight what with the fires that have been caused with some chargers exploding.

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I think the fire risk chargers were for cheap imported wheelie board things, not high-end doofers such as ipads/pods. Hope I am not wrong!


All devices with Lithium Ion batteries have a potential fire risk, but its pretty slim.


As for chargers, its not limited to any specific device but generally its cheap chinese chargers. If you are using official Apple chargers (and you are sure they are official) then there is very little risk.


There is a recent recall on certain Apple charger for a shock risk though.

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