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Cornsmake died suddenly

big momma

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Hi my sons 6yr old cornsnake died suddenly at the weekend.

She hadn't eaten a mouse for about a month but she did the same about 2 years ago.

She was shedding as normal and was moving about in her Viv okay when we went away overnight and on our return she was dead. The stench was dreadful and just below her jaw her body was swollen for about an inch. I know I am clutching at straws but has any one any ideas about illnesses that affect cornsnakes. She had a lovely nature



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I cant think of anything that fits what you describe, but im no expert.

Possibly a regurge that got stuck ?

It would explain the lump & smell.


The only was to be sure would be to have a necropsy done by a reptile specialist at the vets.

If you are on facebook, try asking in this group :


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  • 2 weeks later...

More than likely an infection. Reptiles don't always show illness in then same way warm blooded animals do but the fact that it stopped eating was a sign that it wasn't happy with something.


There isn't much you can do now but if you decide to get another I would do a full strip of the viv and clean with a good disinfectant and allow it to dry well and air any fumes before you put another snake or lizard in

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