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Repeat Prescription Medication when in Spain

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Just wondering, if you are taking regular prescribed meds, how do you go on if you trot off to the Canaries for a few months, would your GP give you enough for your stay?

Also, if you decided to sod off and live there, how do you go on with getting the meds (I'm talking Blood pressure meds and Statins)?

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Just wondering, if you are taking regular prescribed meds, how do you go on if you trot off to the Canaries for a few months, would your GP give you enough for your stay?

Also, if you decided to sod off and live there, how do you go on with getting the meds (I'm talking Blood pressure meds and Statins)?


Just put in a request


GP's usually accomodate :nod:

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In Australia, we can get a prescription for 6 months of overseas travel. I've used it twice. One problem is the extra suitcase to fit in all the tablets! (OK, a joke, but pretty close to true)

Also, in some forms of travel, arranging refigeration for some products, e.g. insulin.

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