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Everyone knows Roman Polanski likes to drug, tie up and bugger 13 year old girls but his films still get made and millions of people go and watch them.


Why is he different from Rolf Harris?


And is a "work of art" a piece in itself, or does it really have to be linked to the artist? If we discovered that Da Vinci was a kiddy fiddler or Van Gogh, would all their pictures or works be burnt?


Yes it was done when he did a record with 808 state (May have been a remix of sun arise) hence the 808 on the mural although I thought fletchers bought the sheaf valley painting



Everyone knows Roman Polanski likes to drug, tie up and bugger 13 year old girls but his films still get made and millions of people go and watch them.


Why is he different from Rolf Harris?


Or indeed, Eric Gill, who is cited as an inspirational artist on the Sheffield Council website. Arguably, he was worse than Rolf.


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