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New Mental Health Group in Sheffield called MESH!


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What is Mental Sheffield (MESH)? MESH is a community led self help group for adults who have experienced mental health problems.


MESH Mission: MESH mission is to provide self help and support through social activities and workshops, enabling members to socialise, learn and develop.


MESH Aims: To engage people who have experienced or cared for people with mental health problems; through self help and support.


MESH Future: In the future MESH would like to engage in campaigning, targeted at improving the mental health system and educating society and providing members with a positive focus to feel more involved in society. With the outcome of hopefully making a difference!


Another future plan is to work with the mental health system, by entering places such as Michael Carlisle centre and the Longley centre, in the hope that MESH can offer support and advice to patients and share information about the group. Hoping to help bridge the gap that leaving an institute or the mental health system can cause.


MESH Contact: Email: mentalsheffield@gmail.com Webpage: http://www.mentalsheffield.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MEntalSHeffield Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MEntalSheffield

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