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Rabbit cage help!! Male rabbits humping.


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I am rabbit sitting for a friend who only left them with me yesterday. They now appear to have 'come out' and keep humping each other quite violently.


I don't want to have to go out and buy a cage for them as not mine, wondered if anyone might have a cage I can borrow for a week?


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I wouldn't be surprised if one was a girl to be honest but do think it's a dominance thing. They do seem to have calmed down a bit now so hopefully will be ok. Was have to act Halley drag them apart earlier. They are strong for such little things.

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Two un neutered male rabbits can become very nasty with each other when the sex hormone kicks in. The least dominant's ones life will be a misery if they carry on. Hope it was a one off


Yes they will need to be neutered to calm the hormones and even then re bonding may not happen , I do have several couples of boys who are stayin with me presently all are neutered and get on fine .

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I did reply to this again last night but was on my phone and it doesn't seem to have posted!


With them having been moved to you, new surroundings, even though they are used to each other and their cage, they may be feeling the need to establish a new 'pack order' type thing with them being in a new place. Do you know how old they are and how long they've been together?


I have 2 females, one was bonded with another which died, and they seem to have bonded together in this new pair pretty well, but one of them does occasionally give the other a good humping to show her whos boss! :hihi:


Just be careful, as with males, a lot more than females, the dominance can become very nasty aggression, and they really should be in seperate cages, its never advisable to keep 2 males together really.

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