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Found!! 2 dogs on yew greave cres off yew lane *home*


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Yes apparently they were........that was going to be my next port of call....Im just so pleased I found them cos they were such gorgeous friendly dogs, someone might have been tempted to keep them. I have 5 large dogs myself, I would have been mortified if no-one reported mine if they saw them wandering. I did tell 101 that I would have kept them overnight rather than turf them out on the street. I'm just far too soft..........

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Aww. My Poppy made a great escape the other day (my OH left the garage door open - he has been suitably told off!!) and I was absolutely frantic. She is chipped, and tagged, but so many people just walk on by. I was driving around like a maniac looking for her, and stopped several people who said yes they had seen her running up the road..... I don't get why a lot of people don't take a second to check if the dog has a tag and make a quick phone call.


Anyway, I found her being walked back down my way by a very kind couple who had stopped her and put her on a lead, and were just walking back down. I will always try to stop a dog who appears to be on it's own, I wish everyone was the same.

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Thank god for the nice people out there eh? Glad you got Poppy back. These dogs I found were obviously well looked after (apart from not having ID) and they didnt have a clue about road safety, by taking them in (which makes perfect sense to me) it possibly saved their lives and maybe prevented a terrible car crash or 3 which could have resulted in a fatality. Oh sorry Im just ranting now and telling you guys the obvious. Anyway the lady tried giving me a cash reward but to me, just finding the owner was the best reward! xx

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