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Useful vs useless items re baby buys

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hi were trying to get the essential items and recommended what's good and what's not is always good to know for any of us.

its my first baby im 33 weeks pregnant we have alot so far your general bouncer, moses basket ,steriliser ,clothing, bath etc . for a newborn and hopefully to be breastfed baby what toiletries are ness - i think the johnsons hamper is maybe just too much in it.

regularly i read- water and non fragrance wash/oil etc to be used for the first while and cotton pads.... thinking of getting one of those moon pillows where can i get a cheap one and breastfeeding discreet slings any comments from anyone on these.

i guess i could ask throw in moms and birthing partners what have you found useful in the birthing process to include in our bag as im packing it up these coming days/weeks i know there is lists but sometimes experience is more useful . from one anxious preggie to the wise moms of sheff' :hihi:


thanks for any return comments.

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Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy.

I had my baby in April this year, I didn't use any of the things i packed in the labour bag, there was just no time, so ipod, speakers, tens machine, spare batteries & the favourite crisp sandwiches never got touched!


For toiletries etc, its recommended that you dont use anything on the baby other than water & cotton wool, we used a mixture of pads & balls. For you Lanisoh nipple cream is a must, its an absolute life saver, nothing else works as well as this.


If you havent already done so, join all the baby club Tescos, Sainsburys, Boots, Pampers etc for lots of money off vouchers.

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I just took clothing, toiletries and postnatal essentials in my bag this time. I was at home after tea (he was born at 1am)


I would suggest taking some nibbles and drinks (especially for birthing partner) in case of a lengthy labour to keep refreshed :)

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Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy.

I had my baby in April this year, I didn't use any of the things i packed in the labour bag, there was just no time, so ipod, speakers, tens machine, spare batteries & the favourite crisp sandwiches never got touched!


For toiletries etc, its recommended that you dont use anything on the baby other than water & cotton wool, we used a mixture of pads & balls. For you Lanisoh nipple cream is a must, its an absolute life saver, nothing else works as well as this.


If you havent already done so, join all the baby club Tescos, Sainsburys, Boots, Pampers etc for lots of money off vouchers.



I'd agree with that first bit - we took loads of stuff, cards, magazines etc. My wife never touched one of them.


Until you're in full labour, they seem to send you home anyway, and when you're in full labour, you won't care what's on the front of heat magazine :) Even as a man watching and being with my wife, I could see the change when it started properly. Awesome day though.

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hey thanks for replies iv put some snack bars and jelly in as far as foodstuff goes, OH has just bought me the hyped book trilogy so that in itself might bring labour on :hihi:


i have probs just essentials really sure can always get family to nip something in, phones charger for camera a must though for our extras but thank you for these suggestions


any ideas where to get the cheapest nursing crescent moon pillow?

and this water spritz , face spray h2o basically.....for labour i have x2 facecloth which we'll be using but, i liked this idea too.


cheers! oli (super excited today i think i felt a dainty elbow or knee):roll:

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I just took clothing, toiletries and postnatal essentials in my bag this time. I was at home after tea (he was born at 1am)


I would suggest taking some nibbles and drinks (especially for birthing partner) in case of a lengthy labour to keep refreshed :)


hope its as simple for us- would be amazing

and thank you for the congrats charlie10! :)

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hope its as simple for us- would be amazing


First time round it was 3 night stay so very pleased at the same day thing (although I pushed them a little bit :hihi:) I think if you have your baby early on in the day then you should be out later on if all is well, with an overnight stay if its late on :)


I have seen a pillow like you said for £19.99 in TK Maxx although stuff comes and goes in there but worth a look for a random bargain!


Good luck with everything and hope it all goes to plan (as much as it can do)

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My general advice would be if there's anything you THINK you MAY need then you probably don't! And also like you say, people can bring you what you do need and in the first few wks it's actually quite nice getting out to get anything else you've not got.


Lansinoh as someone mentioned is brill for breast feeding and can be obtained on prescription from your GP (or from mothercare etc for £11ish). And as you point out a few of the products in the johnsons box went unused in our house and our midwife suggested using the Lansinoh on our newborn babies skin too.

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I found muslin squares very handy.......loads of uses, easy to wash and no ironing.

Can't have too many vests or baby grows. I got my friend to knit a little waistcoat, not a cardi, as it gave body warmth but didn't get in the way of fist sucking!

Also, please don't assume you and baby will take to breast feeding. Breast is best, etc, but bottles aren't bad. Consider reading up on formula and bottles/sterilisers before baby comes.

Don't buy a bumbo - this is suitable for a few weeks only around 6 months. They are expensive and useless.

Book something pleasurable and adult for about three months time, so you have something to look forward to.

A long soft blanket is useful for swaddling baby in: this works like magic to soothe crying babes.

Hope this has been helpful.

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yeah ill be pushing n tring to avoid a c section if at all poss' get job done myself in lil amount of time but whats to be will be... thank you ill have a look oh is like its not ness lol but good to know i wudnt have thought about there, also tj hughes may.... thank you too hope it goes like you say to plan as much as can

lauramottram i didnt know that gp could ill have to try that saves the pennies or the fact can be used on baby great info thanks!

bluegirlblue yeah just bought some of them muslins my aunt sweared by em too, weve bought a steriliser and have bottels regarding formula id like organic but going to wait see how she feeds and what style of formula ill need from light of her feeding if she doesnt breastfeed hope she does though iknow many moms have said they had wanted too but for one reason to the next couldnt...yeah those bumbo i never known about them till recently and i have a bouncer which i was going to use till highchair can be used that or the corner in our sofa probs or propped up by cushions/ cresent moon pillow thing on playmat thanks for that advice though really and truly no need to buy something for the sake of it if it only last a few weeks and are that bit expensive.

im from ireland originally all my family are over there so planning going over for christmas but before maybe a spa date for myself and we are hoping to go out in oct to a comedy show. weve been given some lovely stuff off sheffield forum and friends and bought i got a lovely blanket like you describe off a friend so happy with it. like a lil light fleece and then oh mom got a family friend to cochet pieces i have so many lil dresses etc from her and shawels deadly cute. awaiting my moses basket stand delivery now.... sometime this week so i can put all the pieces together.


thanks ladies and gent been truly great to get the feedback one is after.

regarding formula if your lil ones are on them what would you suggest/ found best ; had ya any probs with any brands? down to formula or baby requirements made your decisions ?

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