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Nintendo 3DS/DSI Games


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ds games can be played on ds, dslite, dsi, 3ds


3ds games can ONLY be played on a 3ds


i presume dsi is just a normal ds really and the games are the same


i only have an original ds, ds lite and 3ds


i have 3 3ds games for my 3ds but constantly at work all i play is my older ds game "zookeeper" awesome game

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Ds games work on any ds/3ds 3ds games only work on 3ds.

There are a couple of exceptions.

The game facetraining will only work dsi/Xl as it needs the camera

The games guitar hero rockband will only work on ds ds lite but not dsi/xl as the gba slot is needed but was removed on dsi/Xl

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Ds games work on any ds/3ds 3ds games only work on 3ds.

There are a couple of exceptions.

The game facetraining will only work dsi/Xl as it needs the camera

The games guitar hero rockband will only work on ds ds lite but not dsi/xl as the gba slot is needed but was removed on dsi/Xl


think theyd explain that on the packaging?

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