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How to get rid of blackberry canes in my allotment?

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Hello everybody here,

I've just got my allotment key and found that it's in a terrible mess. Blackberry canes cover most of the hedges and ground. I can't see the path in the allotment at all.

I don't want put the blackberry canes in my compost heap to stink my hand in the future.

Where/how can I dispose them or burn it in a time don't cause nuisance to others?


Help needed urgently.



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Thank you, Snakeheadblu and mc55.


My plot is quite far from the commual compost heap. I will pill them up and burn them later because I have no transport for now.


I may use the communal compost heap for the cutting from the hedges and trees when I got driving license (hopefully!!)

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Anything woody, like hedges etc, will need to be shredded before it can compost down - could take years - seriously I'd pile it all up and have a huge bonfire - you can always use the potash that's generated for your onion bed :) just make sure there are no critters in it when you set fire to it.

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Anything woody, like hedges etc, will need to be shredded before it can compost down - could take years - seriously I'd pile it all up and have a huge bonfire - you can always use the potash that's generated for your onion bed :) just make sure there are no critters in it when you set fire to it.


Thank you very much. I do like the idea of huge bonfire:) and it take some pressure off me for the urge to taking driving test.:P

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