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IPad or Nexus 7


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It might very well end up being, but for now not having swipe is killing me. Would like flash as well. And it wouldn't have hurt them to include a search key in the same way they provide temporary menu key for 2.3 apps. Emulators not worth using yet.


Edit time: Got flash and iplayer working. [iplayer website, not the app]. Emulators very much worth playing with controllers!

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Originally Posted by Bonjon


I now have my Nexus 7 in hand ( typing this) and what a machine it is. Best tab I have used by far.


A list of pro's and cons would be useful to compare..


Downfall I find with the iPad is arrow keys to quickly scroll back through text.


I honestly cant find any issues, maybe the delivery time but that's not the tablets fault .



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Plus, OF COURSE the iPad keyboard is better - its a bigger tablet.


It has absolutely nothing to do with the keyboard.


I'm not sure I like Swift Key better personally, I still think I typed better on my iPod than on my phone with Swift Key despite the fact my phone is a lot bigger. But maybe that is a problem with my phone?


Like you said though, its completely configurable, and the default Android keyboard is much improved than it was a few years ago. So if you are unhappy with the default iPad keyboard, tough, but the default Android - just try a different one.

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I have both, Nexus 7 and a new iPad. I am no fan of Apple, but I have to say, the iPad and iOS is a much better user experience than what you get with the Nexus 7.


Big price difference though, and for the money, I think the Nexus 7 is really great.

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If money is no object, I would quite like the new iPad. However for that price I would much prefer an x86 based tablet so that I have the flexibility to use it as a normal laptop too.


However there is a big difference in the target market between those two tablets, due to their size as well as the OS.

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I imagine with the success of this tablet apple will copy and follow suit, then file a copyright infringement suit.


IMO this tab and os beats everything available at the moment, I also have a10" tab but find myself preferring this size.

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