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Pedestrians deliberately walking out in front of cars

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My younger brother used to play chicken all the time 1 day a car hit him and his so called friends didnt even tell my mum died i the night from his injuries. i do not blame the driver she was really shaken and has not driven since. He was 11 years old and a idiot who always thought he knew best split the family apart.

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My younger brother used to play chicken all the time 1 day acr hit him and his so called friends didnt even tell my mum died i the night from his injuries


Such a tragic post and it's your first one too. You must think we have all come down the Liffy on a one wheeled bike.

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They're hoping for confrontation to make their day worthwhile, distinguishable from other days. They will have the chance to look like the hard men they really are in front of their mates.

Students are the worst. Because road sense comes under common sense (something most students are bereft of), they won't know how to cross a road until they've attended some lectures and taken an exam.


I think you're spot on with this, in many cases.

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......whatever the legal position a pedestrian deliberately walking out into any road when there`s cars coming is an idiot. Personally I wouldn`t go so far as to say he deserves to be run into, but he`s asking for it, he really is.


Actually, on reflection, so long as he* doesn`t get too seriously injured I think it`d be a good thing if he gets hit.

Why ?

Well it might save his life because if he`s got a brain at all (as opposed to the very small one he`s already proved he has) he`ll stop doing it. It may also stop all his mates from walking out in front of cars and so save us all the frustration these bozos cause.


* Because it is usually a male, usually a young one. But not always. I tend to think older blokes doing this sort of thing probably have mental health issues though.

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