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If you're facing being homeless, get yourself down to Howden House in person and speak to them on Monday. Take the forms in, but make sure you speak to someone yourself.


Just having a baby won't get you anything straight away, and your baby doesn't count as a 'person' needing a room until over a year old, but, if you can get homeless priority too, then it may be quite quick, although you might have to take a one bed flat for the time being.

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Try the classifieds property section on here, and rightmove etc. There is not a definitive list anywhere as far as I know.


I'd second that, there are usually plenty of 'to let' ads on this forum. Have you registered with any housing associations? Sometimes they can help more quickly than the council.


If you apply to the council as being homeless, they'll look into your current/most recent accommodation, and why you have left it or are wanting to leave it.

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I have got forms for " guiness northern counties " What others can i apply with?

thankyou for replys btw :D


There is a list in this link, some of them might be useful. https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/in-your-area/housing-services/homelessandhousingoptions/looking-for-a-home-or-needing-to-move/housing-association-accommodation




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