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Sports Ground/ Football pitch to self run help/advice

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A chance has come up to self run a Sports ground off the council , it has changing rooms, 2 football pitchs and two smaller pitchs and cricket pitch.


Heres my problem -we are a sunday 11aside sunday team. so no experiance To run the pitchs etc.


The sports ground Needs to be self run , i.e grass cut, markings for pitch. then theres The Water/electric for changing rooms etc etc


There Would be no real problem Getting Other teams to rent the pitchs per-season to bring money in . but its just is it worth it and how i would get all this started without getting into any debt and would it be worth putting time effort into it etc


So any advice Help would be good

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Hi mate, Could be a lot of aggro for nowt plus you'd need to be there all the time as the caretaker. You probably need a whole load of helpers / volunteers.


What condition are the pitchces and the drainage? If the pitches and facilities are crap you will only get the lowest rents. Is the place secure and fenced off from the yobbos and undesireables.

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