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Castle Market Fancy Dress Stall

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I think the owner posted a thread a while ago, considering moving to the bottom of London Road. Whether they actually did, I don't know.



The thread is here.........http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1006409&highlight=fancy+dress and doesnt have a conclusion.


The address on the website still says Castle Market, there is a mobile number you could try tho.

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Hi there! So sorry to cause the confusion! We are still considering the move but at present we are still based in Castle Market!


Unfortunately both my fella & I have been ill recently so the shutters have been down most mornings.


Depending on how long it is since you came to see us last, we were based on the lower ground floor, but have moved to the next floor up & are situated on the middle floor around by the Waingate entrance, next to "Xtreme Mobiles".


Hope this has helped & also shows you're not going ga ga! :)


I'll be in most days after 10.30 to be on the safe side, but if you wish to ring in advance to save you a journey, call me on 07771 279 162.


Cheers muchly & thank you to you all for keeping techgirl in the picture.


I will en-devour to keep everyone up to date with the move!




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