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Are user generated content sites the way forward?

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I have a fairly established site in a competitive niche (guitar lessons) and most of my time goes into this. I am a "one man band" and content creation is frankly becoming arduous. Furthermore, Google and its cute black and white mascots seem to have taken a recent dislike to my site even though I use white hat methods and feedback is glowing.


I have a list of ideas for sites (or, more accurately, blogs) that focus 100% on user generated, viral content and would merely require (as far as I am aware) a wordpress template and some plugins to allow users to submit images and text.


A prime example of the type of site is http://clientsfromhell.net


This site is so simple, and relies completely on user text submissions, but I am blown away by its popularity and the viral nature of the content. There are 1001 sites like this (the ultimate example being "lol cats") and it looks like a very appealing model - let others submit content and play moderator.


Are these sites really as easy to maintain as they appear and, if so, am I wasting my time on sites where content is provided for the most part by the site author? It seems if you can make a user generated content site popular, it would involve a lot less work than striving to create an "authority site" whereby the focus is on a single author.

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