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All old and unusual vehicles wanted for shiw sun aug 12th

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hi as i have had several enquerys that i am so gratefull about the lowedges

festival is sun aug 12th at greenhill park gresley road sheffield s8 7hh and i

would like to let you all know its free to get in its free to bring your car,van,

jeep,lorry, bike,sooter, any machine propeled vehicle if it will go through the

park gates we give all attendees a free rossette if you pre book tel me

on tel 01142374492 its a top day out with so much to do with most things

subsidised or free 150 stalls ect,3 years ago we had 1 car,last year 80 plus

bikes and this year even more booked in,we have people from scotland

visiting from liverpool manchester,birmingham,and lots from yorkshire and

derbyshire so i hope this helps to answer but if not ring me and i will try

to help you all thank you all for your support lets hope the sun shines

park okay passable up to today 11/07/12 thank you bassett one

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