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I need some advise/help about body issues


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I'm sorry if this is off putting but it started last night (09/07/20)


I am 17 years old and my right breast is aching, it started last night and i haven't slept much because it has been uncomfortable...

I wanna know if its something i should worry about?

I have googled about it and all the pages lead to Breast Cancer and its scaring me a little bit.

I'm just hoping its growing pains tbh...

But i am on the Implant and taking the pill on top of that. Don't know if that could mean something..

I just wanna know if anyone else has been through and if its a problem.


Please help, what should i do as i am only 17



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Have you checked the breast for any abnormalities? Visible things like puckering of the skin or swelling, and things to feel for such as any lumps that are not normally there. If you don't already, you need to make a habit of giving yourself a breast exam everyday. It only takes a few minutes to do and makes you aware of what your breast tissue is usually like so you will notice if there are any abnormalities in the future.


Take a look at this and make it a part of your daily routine.


You're very young and breast cancer usually develops in older women - it's very rare for it to happen to someone of your age, so please don't go diagnosing yourself. :)


Your contraception methods could have something to do with it, but I won't use hormonal contraception so I'm afraid I'm of no use on that front. Maybe someone else will be able to help with that aspect of it.


Have you thought about the bras you're wearing? Have you been wearing a different one lately that perhaps isn't a good fit? A badly fitted bra can cause pain, especially if the underwiring is digging into your breast tissue. It's a good idea to get professionally measured so you are wearing the best size possible. I think it's something like 70% (?) of women are wearing the wrong bra size (I was too until I was properly measured).


Of course, if you are worried you should book an appointment with your GP and hopefully you'll get some answers. :)

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