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Help - Laptop screen has turned sideways!


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I was in the middle of uploading photos and was highlighting them one at a time, when all of a sudden, everything on my screen did a 90 rotation to the left! So the 'top' of every page is now on the left of the screen and everything is written from bottom to top! The control pad doesn't work properly cos I can't work out what is up and down!

I have no idea why this has happened. Rebooting the laptop hasn't helped. i'm sure it is something really simple to turn it back - please someone help!!

Thank you!

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It's a good trick to play on people at work if they leave their PC unlocked ;)


It is indeed a good trick but comes in second to taking a screenshot of the desktop then using said screenshot as desktop wallpaper :D

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It is indeed a good trick but comes in second to taking a screenshot of the desktop then using said screenshot as desktop wallpaper :D


You missed the vital step - you then have to hide Desktop Icons - so when they click they are just clicking the image of the icons and nothing will happen...

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