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Religious folk, have you ever broken the rules of your faith?

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What rules? you can have a faith without being a practicing member of a religious institution. My moral values are probably the same as most atheists and if i was an atheist i can't see that i would be any different with regard to behavior.

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If so which rule did you not obey? Was it intentional, accidental or was you feeling a bit rebellious?


and how did or would you go about getting forgiveness from your god and redeeming yourself?


I have, in the earlier days of my faith, disobayed the 'do not drink intoxicants' rule. This was because of my own arrogance and I thought that I was good enough at practicing to 'bend' the rules if I saw fit.


I still do break that rule on new years eve (but never at any other time), where I have a glass of scotch in memory of my Great Grandma.


Other than that I never intentionally break the rules of my faith (of which there are actually relatively few), I accidentally 'break' them sometimes, but in Buddhism it is not considered breaking the rules if it is unintentional, because the Buddhist ethical system is based on intention.

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Most legal systems- inc. English law- base liability on intention.

English law deals with mens rea, Latin for 'guilty mind'. This can be generally summarised as 'the intention to do an action, deliberate or deemed so because of negligence, which action is specified as a criminal act'. There are some variations- e.g. certain acts are criminal in themselves irrespective of intention [e.g. food hygiene laws] and others are transplanted intentions [e.g. if A intends to commit only GBH but kills the victim, the intention is sufficient as a basis for a murder charge].

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But if that were the case, you would not be "religious folk."


I don't know about all demoninations but i know i can walk into any anglican.methodist or catholic church and no one is going to approach me with a rule book,i know this i've attended them all at different times.

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I don't know about all demoninations but i know i can walk into any anglican.methodist or catholic church and no one is going to approached me with a rule book,i know this i've attended them all at different times.


The fact that they don't thrust it into your face does not mean that it doesn't exist. The Bible comes with a whole barrage of rules and regulations, and all of those demoninations consider it to be the inspired Word of God.


Ergo, if you consider yourself a Christian, you are "breaking the rules" if you don't follow all of the instructions set down in the Bible. Which, of course, it is impossible to do; that's why you need Jesus to cover for you on Judgment Day, because it is an absolute certainty that you will fail the test.

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