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Emmerdale mystery


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Debbie dingles decor !!! Has anyone else noticed that debbie dingles stairs have moved. They were going from left to right in the front of her front door but they have moved to the other side of the room and now go right to left. In fact the whole house has turned round, I want the name of the builder who can do that in one night :hihi: Sad I know but these things are important to my self and my mate Dave at work .....

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Debbie dingles decor !!! Has anyone else noticed that debbie dingles stairs have moved. They were going from left to right in the front of her front door but they have moved to the other side of the room and now go right to left. In fact the whole house has turned round, I want the name of the builder who can do that in one night :hihi: Sad I know but these things are important to my self and my mate Dave at work .....


hilarious post lol !!! email harry hill he will wet himself ! :):)

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Also detective Bev is flabberghasted how big gennie got over night. Thursday night she had a flat tum and on friday she was about to give birth !!!! I will be having words with the Emmerfdale team at Yorkshire TV tomorrow so i will ask him/her my important questions. :hihi:

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You could say us women don't miss a trick . I have spoken to the Emmerdale reception at YTV and she was not aware of any set changes but she is going to find out and post the reply on my FB group the Debbie Dingle stair moved group :)

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