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Anyone to cut dogs nails


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Hi, my daughter has a British bulldog, his nails are desperate to be cut. Vets will only do them if he's sedated which is just not an option. He is a big softie but hates having his nails cut and growls. They used to live up north and a dog groomer used to do it easily by putting him in a grooming harness which was perfect but can't find a grooming place that will just do nails around sheffield. they will only do full grooming. Can anyone help or recommend a groomer that will do this? Thanks for reading.

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Can't you do it yourself?


I bought a pair of clippers for a couple of quid and do my staffy's with them. He's as giddy as anything but is quite happy to let me cut them in exchange for a treat or two.


I just looked up on the net how to do it and it seemed easy so just took the plunge and it's not difficult at all.

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Have you considered clicker training him to have his nails clipped? I did this with my dog & she's now happy to have her nails cut (if they need cutting as she wears them down naturally now). It worked so well that I have now phased the clicker out.


If you'd like more info on how you can do this feel free to PM me:-)


Best of luck:)

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The clicker training sounds like a good idea if it stresses him out. It's usually the noise the clippers make that freaks them out so you could try cutting something like a pencil (might be a bit too hard but something like that) and treating him when he hears the sound so he gets used to it.


I offer nail cutting on it's own for £5. You don't need to book but do ring me before you come to check I'm there as I offer grooming for bookings any day of the week so i have random days off.


Pets at Home also offer nail cutting on it's own, I think it's £7 there.

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