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Cheap Phone Unlocking

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Bought an iPhone from eBay but it'son O2 and im on Vodafone. I need it unlocking ASAP. I have contacted a few and the lowest price I can find ios £50 but it can take up to 28 days?


Also, I know the original phone owner can get it unlocked free by contacting O2 but the guy I bought it off happened to buy it from someone else so he cant do this!


Anywhere that can UNLOCK phones for a reasonable price, please suggest them. Dont confuse unlock with jailbreak because they are completely different!


Thanks alot:help:

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  • 4 weeks later...
16 digit number followed by the hash key for a tenner ??? Deal...


Don't be fooled into paying for a code for the iPhone because they don't use codes for unlocking. The phone operator has to request an unlock from Apple. And when it's confirmed they will send you instructions how unlock through iTunes.


Maybe if you got an O2 pay as you go sim and registered it, O2 may then unlock it for you as you would be an O2 customer (don't know if this would work but maybe worth a shot)


Just got mine unlocked through Vodafone. Took 5 days from filling out unlock request form to being sent an email saying phone is now unlocked and didn't cost a penny.

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