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Kids Summer activities - that won't break the bank and gets the kids out

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Trying to entertain the kids over the holidays (pictures, mcdonalds etc....) can cost a small fortune, and last only 2 hours.


We are looking at setting up small walks aimed at parents and children during the summer holidays that will last a good 4 hours, get the kids out in the fresh air and get them running around.



We will start a walk off at the Norfolk Arms Pub (Ringinglow), and walk through the Mayfield Valley, past the Park near Forge Dam. At this point we can have an ice cream, the kids can play in the park and have a small break.


We then continue with the walk back towards Endcliffe Park where the walk will finish.


At the park, games such as Bulldog can be set up, running races, egg and spoon races while the parents sit in the cafe realxing and chatting among themselves (while the children run and play games)


The cost would be £4 a person, or £10 a family. It would get the kids out of the house for a few hours, socialising with other children and cost about the same as a McDonald meal.


Other walks will be put onto the website, these will be short walks that parents and children can do that pass a park (swings, slides etc...) and games be set up at the end.


If interested, contact me via the website - I will be putting activities on the website over the weekend

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