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Sheffield City Deal - good news or bad?

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will form the South Yorkshire Combined Authority.

gains the freedom to fund infrastructure through tax increment financing (TIF)

is granted a £700million investment fund to spend on local priority projects,

receives devolved transport budgets

gains responsibility for commissioning and managing franchise arrangements for local and regional rail services

is granted control of its local skills budget




Good new or bad?

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I'd like to think this makes the council more accountable to the electorate. Next time there are council elections, candidates and parties won't be able to hide behind the excuse that their hands were tied by Central Government.


Or maybe thats wishful thinking.

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I'd like to think this makes the council more accountable to the electorate. Next time there are council elections, candidates and parties won't be able to hide behind the excuse that their hands were tied by Central Government.


They may not legitimately be able to hide behind that excuse; but they will do so nevertheless. And, given the intelligence and level of political interest of the average voter, it will almost certainly work.

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will form the South Yorkshire Combined Authority.

gains the freedom to fund infrastructure through tax increment financing (TIF)

is granted a £700million investment fund to spend on local priority projects,

receives devolved transport budgets

gains responsibility for commissioning and managing franchise arrangements for local and regional rail services

is granted control of its local skills budget




Good new or bad?




I reckon if you are employed in some capacity within this project then you are onto a winner.

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