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Google chrome is it a waste of time

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Any web developer that doesn't write code to support IE, no matter if they like it as their own personal browser or not, isn't supporting all their prospective customers.


Any web developer that isn't prepared or is technically unable to get around the hurdles involved with writing code for older versions of IE, isn't a good developer. Likewise, any developer thinking their fancy JScript, Flash and Ajax powered site will work just as well in Firefox as Chrome as Safari isn't a good developer either.


You'll find that web developers supporting business users will be forced into supporting IE as few major corporations will allow users to install different browsers willy nilly due to support issues.


Fortunately that's not always true, and at least in most cases you can make a good case for not trying to support anything before IE8.

There's a growing number of corporations that have seen the light and have standardised on something other than IE now, which is always nice.

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