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What is the best hangover cure ?

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prevention is better than a cure! What works everytime for me firstly is minimum of a pint of water or juice before going to bed. If you are drinking spirits or mixing drinks take 2 paracetamols with the drink before bed. If you are drinking mainlly lager or cider then take the paracetamols at start of night or during the night while you are out as taking them before bed doesnt work as well for lager and vice versa for spirits. This is jus my own experience and it works perfectly for me as i no longer get bad hangovers just feel bit tired next day - except for when i fall asleep and forget to do the above, whereas i used to suffer hangovers from hell.


Also may well be a coincidence but i found in past that drinking anything and everything blue coloured left me hangover-free the following morning! Drinking nothing but vodka and mixers helps keep your head clearer too.


hazel xx

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The best way of avoiding a hangover is to never stop drinking thus avoiding the onset of said hangover in the first place.

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Hi all, anyone got any good hangover cures? :gag: Apart from not sobering up nothing seems to work very well!

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For me, its a fruit smoothie consisting of Mineral water, Orange juice, 1 banana, blueberries, strawberries and a teaspoon of honey! Usually makes me feel a bit better and very healthy.



Your suggestions please?

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For me, its a fruit smoothie consisting of Mineral water, Orange juice, 1 banana, blueberries, strawberries and a teaspoon of honey! Usually makes me feel a bit better and very healthy.



Your suggestions please?


More beer/vodka/home made wine/cider/anything stronger than 5% at least ......... see you with Les and Nick at the top of the Kop for Blackburn ..... hic ........

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Full English every time.

Followed by a botttle of wine.

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Full English every time.

Followed by a botttle of wine.


full english, followed by a big poo, followed by a bottle of wine (not the one that the mrs administers either)

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:gag: The best hangover cure by far is a Big Mac, large fries and a diet coke!


Followed by some serious cuddles in bed with the boy or girl of your choice xx

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Hair of the dog..without doubt...obv bearing the mind it can quite easily lead to the same problem the next morning! Drinking on park benches (ahh, the memories) here I come....

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