rihinch Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Hi Everyone, Please if anyone can give me any advice on this I would be extremely grateful. Basically I have two female cats that live both indoor and outdoor. The window is left open for them to come and go as they please. Recently, the cats have started to sleep in a neighbours house. After speaking to the neighbour, she has been fine with this. I have said as long as she is ok with them being there from time to time, I have no issues. Princess, one of the cats, went missing for a few days which had both us and the neighbour worried. She returned limping on her back leg but she had set up camp at the neighbours house. I left her there to recouperate. She was walking, climbing and running fine. After a couple of days, wasn't limping so much. After talking to the neighbour, we agreed she would keep me informed and if she got worse I would take her to the vet to be on the safe side. I never received anything. I saw daily, running around the area as she always does, so thought nothing of it. I recently found out from another neighbour, that the cat was taken to the vet without me knowing. Sadly she had broken her leg, but it had started to heal itself so the vet did nothing about it. I have had them in the house for the past few days as it has been cold and snowy, the neighbour has started to demand "her" cat back. She has been saying constantly for the past few days that I had given her the cat. Now she is threatening police action against me, saying I had stolen her cat. As I have said, I was fine with the cats being there as long as the neighbour was but the cats were still mine, there was NO mention of me giving them to her. As some of you know, I had lots of issues last year and had to put them into foster with other members on the forum, the members who helped me know I would not get rid of them. They mean the world to me. She is constantly texting, sending threatening and demanding messages. I just don't know what to do. Can anyone help or give me some advice please?
nubile Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 One thing to remember, possession is everything in the eyes of the law. If you have the cat at home now, keep it there.
midgecat Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Is it possible for both of you to put the argument aside and think what is best for the cats? what they would be happiest with? Difficult one - but at the end of the day what matters isn't so much ownership as their welfare.
vwkittie Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 I'd report her to the police for harassment (save all the messages she sends), and keep the cats indoors if it was me! Sounds like a right nutjob!
NewBiz Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 As has already been said, I would personally tell her to go take a jump in the lake, ask her to stop harassing you or you'll report her to the Police. Many years ago a neighbour of mine, unbeknown to me moved house and took my 2 cats with her. It was only because her next door neighbour told me that I knew. Long story but managed to track them down, asked for them back and was refused. Took her to court, took 9 months, in the meantime I managed to spot the female, called her and she flew to me, and stuck like glue to me for days. I won the case, but she insisted they'd lost Virgil the male so I never got him back. Her husband offered me £500 for them at one stage or £250 for Virgil which although I was utterly skint at the time I refused. He was a footballer so I took the story to the press in the hopes of embarassing them into giving them me back. Ended up in all the tabloids etc and did indeed cause him huge embarassment, but didn't persuade him to give them back. They employed a solicitor to defend the case, and sent no end of letters threatening me with this that and the other, which were all baseless in law which I therefore ignored. Moral of the story? Possession in a case like this is indeed nine tenths of the law, don't be intimidated by bullying tactics, and stick to your guns if you know you are in the right. Always of course bearing in mind what is best for the cat. I wish you well.
Strix Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 presumably you have photo's of this cat which are far older than any this woman can produce is your cat chipped? I really do have difficulty in having sympathy with these cases though. Anybody who lets a cat out claiming its wild nature dictates that should be so, should stick to their principles and not get upset in these cases. The cat has chosen its home, as you have allowed it to *shrugs*
terminator Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Its a pain in arse at times if they are chipped like strix says you should be able to provide the details. Any vets that can back you up. Any receipts or handover details. Also this comes to mind (I had lots of issues last year and had to put them into foster with other members on the forum)So any of these back you up with written details.
swimityswim Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 I would certainly keep your cats indoors for the next few months and I'd get them chipped at the vet you have frequented with them. As above, start gathering proof that they are your cats from pictures, vets, vaccination certificates and written confirmation from the members who supported you previously.
puddinburner Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 presumably you have photo's of this cat which are far older than any this woman can produce is your cat chipped? I really do have difficulty in having sympathy with these cases though. Anybody who lets a cat out claiming its wild nature dictates that should be so, should stick to their principles and not get upset in these cases. The cat has chosen its home, as you have allowed it to *shrugs* I would agree with STRIX on this. A chip would have saved any arguments, therefore declaring ownership and thus responsibility. Other than that a cat owns the person and as a free spirit Will live where ever they choose. The harassment issue Will be taken seriously if reported, classed as a domestic incident. Why not change your number if she's texting with threats? My cats are free spirit's everyone of them chipped, so if they do ever come to any harm I take the responsibility period. Hope you can resolve peacefully though. X
puddinburner Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Oh and to add, mine are also insured so no nasty surprise vet bill's. All are not bothered about going out just lately with the weather so I guess they'd be happy enough being kept in for a few weeks. I have loads of photo's on this mob. Just cant help myself snapping them all the time. X
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