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Car wing mirrors nicked from my car parked on my drive!!

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Thieving is thieving regardless what they are taking, and calling the police beforehand wouldn't have made a difference,they're not interested until.a crime has been commited.

surely thats more to do with the power to weight ratio!

Its all relative slick rick73, every little helps! I've taken the badging off, discarded the sun visors and removed the cigarette lighter, that gives me another .75 bhp. 0-60 in 28 seconds now, whooah!!!

Its all relative slick rick73, every little helps! I've taken the badging off, discarded the sun visors and removed the cigarette lighter, that gives me another .75 bhp. 0-60 in 28 seconds now, whooah!!!


Maybe it'll come in handy as a getaway car when you are doing your B&Q runs.


I was only letting people know that there are thieves in the area!!!


and by the way, the car is a Corsa SRI which comes STANDARD with these mirrors. BUT even if i did put different mirrors on my car, which i didnt, does that deserve for things belonging to me to be nicked?


bloody ridiculous!!!!!


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