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The use of gas chambers to kill unwanted dogs and cats


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Many developed countries, including the UK and America, still use the gas chamber to euthanize unwanted pets. They claim it's a peaceful death and the animals just "go to sleep", but in reality they die terrified and often end up fighting in order to flee the gas. I came across this petition, it is for America, but as they are one of the biggest culprits I think it's worth signing:







If you are unsure as to whether to sign it, this picture may help you make up your mind!!






And out of all this heartbreak, a little miracle happens:





Please don't turn a blind eye, sign the petition :help:


Signed... It's bad enough that healthy innocent animals are being euthanised, but they should not used this method as it causes unneccessary suffering to the animals.


Singed it already there is a story of a dog they have named Daniel who survived the gas chamber and is now the mascot for getting all gas chambers banned.Please support.

Singed it already there is a story of a dog they have named Daniel who survived the gas chamber and is now the mascot for getting all gas chambers banned.Please support.


Daniel's story is in one of the links above ParkyJ. Thanks to those who have signed so far, the rest of you need to pull your socks up!! No pet lover should be able to ignore this. Please read and sign. Thanks


It's a waste of meat, they should sell the meat at a profit and reinvest the money into providing homes for the animals. Anybody giving up a pet should be made to feel absolutely awful, and shamed into keeping it at the expense of their TV subscriptions etc.


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