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How i stop my dog from being greedy.

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Thanks for your replies guys. Good to read different perspectives.


Okay we have progress!! I have started to make her wait when I put her bowl on the floor and ok' and point and it's working a treat! (excuse the pun) I stand between her and the bowl to try and get her to know it's 'my' food. As soon as she's eaten the bowl gets taken up. I have also started to 'tap' gently but firmly on her nose if she tries to snatch a reward out of my hand and this is working too.


Along with some others posters, I read that rubbing her nose in her pee will not achieve anything so I haven't done this, when I say 'get to your bed' in a firm growl tone she knows she's done bad and goes to her bed. When I see her peeing etc...I go extra with the praise, I reward good behaviour, ignore the bad or growl at her as this seems to work with her.

I will never ever be aggressive with her, there is simply no need, she knows my 'growl' and when I ignore her and don't make eye contact she hates that more than anything else. So there is no need to do anything with force or aggression, I truly believe you really will have your work cut out if you go down that route as it is not fair.


It is quite difficult atm as she is had her second jab done yesterday and as she hasn't been able to burn any energy off by going for a walk I believe this has contributed to the weeing on the floor. However, this morning she did all her business on the garden.....I have never been so proud to see a dog pee before! I know it sounds nuts but I imagine a lot of you guys have felt the same way!


So, I am slowly getting there, and she's responding to the 'tap' on the nose when she snatches. She's very good with 'stay' and 'wait' so I think I am making progress!


We are going for a walk tomorrow first thing and I cannot wait....that's if she will ever accept the collar lol as that is my other learning task! :o

Edited by fridayfeelin

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the collar should be introduced slowly - put it on in the house and take it off several times a day for a couple of days, and practice a trot up and down the living room before trying to wrestle her along a pavement


If she only had her second jab yesterday, she's not ready to go out yet

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