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Hinde house school days early 60s

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the instructors name at sutherland road baths was scott

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I was one of the Owler Laners who were transferred en masse to Hinde House in September 63 and did my 4th and 5th years there.I remember messrs Ridgeway and Napier very well and I thought they were decent people whom I would put in the firm but fair category.As far as I'm concerned Mr R was very popular with all of us and I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about him.Other F but F teachers were Mr Glasby and Mr Pashley who both vanished mid term,I think with nervous breakdowns caused by overwork.They were doing a lot of the admin that shouid have been done by other people.Time for tea,more later.

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Other teachers were Mr Crownshaw (metalwork)who was loud and scary but very good natured and Mrs Fairest who was the only teacher allowed to cane girls although I don't think she ever did.Our home room teacher was Mrs Bermingham who is now a district attorney in Derbyshire.She was a bit blue stocking but very nice and ,of course,I can never forget Mr Hooke.He was head of the English department and did a lot to bring me out of my shell by casting me in a play that we put on at the school speech day at the city hall, and I absolutely starred. To be quite honest I don't recall any of the teachers being quick to use the cane,it had to be for some serious breach of discipline,and I'm sure nobody ever got caned for not being able to do the schoolwork,The principal at that time was Mr Edwards who has a thread all to himself on page 63 so I'll probably make a contribution to that.

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I went to Hinde House '63 to '67. Thomas used to teah Maths and Biology, can't remember the cute blonde, but I do remember the PE teacher called JOK ie J O'Keefe.

i also remember Uriah Heap only because he hated my guts. Came to HH from Owler Lane in '63 and was in Brearley House. was in 2C, 3B1, 4G1 and 5G1

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Hi, I've only just noticed this thread. I was at Hinde House School from 1958 to 1962.

I can remember all the teachers mentioned plus a few more.

There was Mr Gill (maths) Mr Hook (english) Mr. Andrews (games and music) and Mrs Napier (can't remember what she taught). There are probably some more but it's a long time ago.

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Went there from 63-67.remember Ridgeway throwing the blackboard(whoops

can't say that nowadays)greenboard rubber at anyone talking.

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I was there from when it opened in 1956 to 1960.

You may be interested to know that Mr Milner married a girl who was in my 5th year class and was Head Girl - Mary Richardson.

George Ridgeway is still going strong. He attends our reunions and cut the cake for us when we celebrated the 50 th anniversary 2 years ago.

Geoff Hook was my form teacher for last 2 years - a great teacher. He took us to Stratford for the theatre on a couple of occasions and produced "Lady Precious Stream" . He went to Myers Grove as Head but died a couple of years ago.

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oh god

I was there 65 -72 and at least they taught me to spell! :0)

You two are giving me the giggles.

Miss Smith was indeed music; Mr David Ward was brand new from college and he was my first form tutor as well as my maths teacher. He was fab! He was also a bass in the choir and used to play about a little and make us girlies laugh.

Mr Ashton and Mr Peck were in the English Dept and were decent, fair chaps.

Miss Plant & Christopher Hawes were also English, but Hawes was a hopeless dipstick - nice guy, but we never finished ANYTHING!

I had a deep crush on Mr Short in Economics (I regretted not taking economics!) he was not short and he had very lttle hair but, oh that smile - swoon.

Who can forget Miss Frohock? She was RE and not NOT lovable. Trevor Ibbotson had a face-off with her and she turned very red, left the room and the dep head returned to retrieve Trevor. What a larf.

Mr Andrews was at the end of his teaching career when he took me for maths, and nobody ever crossed him, although my mother (now 89) remembers him as a new teacher at Wincobank County Primary School "a snotty nosed, nervous thing, and the kids took ruthless advantage of him!" Goes to show how a good teacher develops over the years. A poor teacher simply tries to bully his way through each day to survive.

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the instructors name at sutherland road baths was scott

Scott was an evil b*stard. My brother, sister and I all suffered under his boot. He was cruel unless you learned to swim quickly - he was a rubbish teacher - doesn't deserve that description.

If you learned to swim a few strokes, he put you in the intermediate group and the first thing you did was curl into a ball on the poolside, then do a forward roll into the water! I would still die if anyone made me do that. I used to have nightmares and was physically sick the night before swimming day. It was a very unhappy time.

My sister Jean still hates the smell of pools. I learned to swim in a wonderful pool in Bourne in Lincolnshire, taught by fabulous teachers. That was at age 45, 10 years ago. I'm still learning, but my daughter is coaching me now!

My brother Eric learned to swim in the warm waters of Venice/Italy, on holiday with friend George Webster, in his 20s.

Eric also mentioned that Scott was so hated around Wincobank that if he had walked through the streets, he would have been lynched by a mob of unhappy mothers!

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Does anyone remember 3 girls who used to sing together late 60s and early 70s?

Cherrill Slater, Trisha Woodcock and I (Lynne) used to sing in harmony and I used to play piano. We even sang at the City Hall for Speech Day once. I don't know how I managed that - I am not a good performer, too scared. Cherrill lives in Portsmouth now and still sings. She had a great voice. Trish had a sweet voice but Cherrill had to sit in the middle, because I sang harmony and Trish needed a strong voice next to her - I'm sure that was only confidence, her voice was lovely.

Trish is on Facebook but hasn't replied to my friend request - if you read this Trish, get in touch please!

I remember when we sang at Speech Day, we decided to dress in maroon dresses to 'honour' the school. I think it was appreciated by staff as a nice touch. And it was all the better, because maroon was actually the Owler Lane school colour, brought in when we merged. We didn't resent the colour, we liked it because it brought some life into the grey grey grey uniform of Hinde House. Also I don't remember any animosity towards Owlers; I think we all just got on with it.

I remember the black girls in the toilets. They had a fantastic knack of back-combing their front hair into a kind of cockscomb; it was an art, but we were too nervous to ask them how they did it. They seemed amazingly confident - maybe they were as lacking in confidence as we were, they just managed to appear confident! I can't remember any of the black girls names, apart from the couple who stayed on for 6th Form; Ovril Reeves and Jennifer Brown (?) Jennifer was bright and breezy and confident, and quite short; Ovril was the most gorgeous person, I took French with her and she used to put up with all our stupid comments about her name, calling her Bovril, so she called me her sister Milo, me being very pale skinned and blonde! I would love to meet her again.

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hi mickey we were prob same year i went 61-65 remember all teachers you said

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