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Speed bumps, is there any legislation?


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We've got a speed bump at the entrance to our road, it's flat as you approach it and then goes down with a 'bump' pardon the pun!


Anyway, there are no signs at all to indicate the road has speed bumps or any speed calming measure on it. The bump has nothing painted on it to indicate it is there. The other speed bumps on the estate have those triangular markings on them.


There's no end of people catch the bottom of their car or their exhaust on this one particular bump because they either don't realise it is there, or they don't realise how high it is on one side.


When turning into the road, those people who know about the bump slow down prior to turning which is a bit of a danger from traffic behind them as they have to turn slower than they would when entering a normal junction.


The council have said there's no need for signs as most people using the estate will know the bump is there (I disagree). But surely there must be some sort of 'guidance' on the length or height of speed bumps? And surely, they should be marked out to indicate that they are there?


hello again ive just answered your taxi question..


There are height restrictions but i cant recall them..


My opinion of speed bumps, is, and ive been slated before for this, but i stand by it...

is that, if the speed limit on the road is 30, you should be able to drive over a bump at 30 safely, and not damage your car. If they want you to drive over it at 20, because of kids/ dangerous section etc, then lower the speed limit to 20 for that part of the road.


check my topic council and roads, ive just posted it...ash


Hiya, i've just posted on your thread too!


You'll see from my post that the council have said 'no' to reducing the speed limit to 20. But if you go over the speed bump at the entrance to my road you are guaranteed to hit your exhaust or the bottom of your car (unless you're many of the 4x4 brigade that we've got here)!


It's the strangest 'bump' i've ever seen though because it's only high at one side, and with no markings on it at all :loopy:


nothing suprises me, when it comes to road hazards, i spend more time looking for new kerbs/bumps etc than i do watching the road, and parked cars where someone could be stepping out of, nether edge is the worst place in sheff for it.


I was wondering what the maximum height for these was. My car is lowered and has a kit on so many people might say it's my own fault, however I know for a fact there are the Ferarris of this world and even cars like old MX5s that are lower.


Anyhow, went round to a friends in Parsons Cross the other day and one speed bump completely scraped the bumper underneath meaning it has to be higher than 4/5" which is how low my bumper is. Now don't get me wrong, speed bumps are there for a reason but why do they have to be so high?


The back of Meersbrook is dotted with 'em, a reit pain in my rear ! I can't drive at 30 over them, why ? I respect speed limits but I have to slow down to about 15mph to drive over them.


Tip though, the red squares they've put on Carrfield Rd & Upper Albert Rd, you can drive at 30mph over them if you stay in the middle of the road when you're at them (not actually staying in the middle that would be quite stupid and dangerous).


speed bumps are supposd to be 100mm (4inch) in old money.

in height.

technically you should be able to drive over the bumps at the speed limit without suffering damage to your vehicle.


the quality of the bump often affects the way your car reacts over them.

if it cause problems report it the council/highways every day until it is reviewed.

Originally posted by Captain_Scarlet

The back of Meersbrook is dotted with 'em, a reit pain in my rear ! I can't drive at 30 over them, why ? I respect speed limits but I have to slow down to about 15mph to drive over them.


You mean the HUGE black ones, I presume? They're the largest speed bumps I think I've ever come across – if they're only four inches high I'm a Dutchman.


We're in Nether Edge and our road is supposed to be 20MPH - if you drive over our bumps/mountains at 20mph your car is screwed, period.


5mph is about as good as it gets - average journey from our road to a bumpless road involves around 6 or 7 of these huge bumps. I bought a new car in March and it's suspension is already shot (also blame the abundance of pot holes everywhere in Sheffield).


The worse 'bumps' are the ones they put at junctions - i.e. the raised up bricks that completely jolt your car to pieces, even at 1MPH...


I do completely see the need for speed bumps, but I do feel some of the ones in Nether Edge are far too excessive. No wonder everyone seems to be buying 4x4s.


Amazingly, all the speed bumps near me (on Bridge Street, by Riverside Exchange), were removed last week. Has that ever happened anywhere before?


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