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"Instructor" Job Role in Colleges

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Hi there. I applied for a part time job last year at a college in South Yorkshire, which was advertised as an "Associate Teacher" job role. After the interview, I was told they had changed the job title to "Instructor" but was told it would be the same duties etc. I wanted the job, I got it and was grateful to have a job during the economic crisis (so to speak). As I settled in, I was getting used to it, and teaching my students. After a month or so I found out that my duties were to help out other staff which I thought would be great, getting to know more students and building my confidence. However, I now have to do stock re-fills for the department, clean the studios, paint the walls, clean the print room, and even heard my manager tell somebody to ask me to input data online. Is this normal? We have a Technician who I assumed would do these jobs. I am teaching all day on a monday, then for a few hours on a weds. My free time at the college I would assume would go to planning and preparing for my lessons. But I also have to fit in all these other duties. I feel trampled on-but in need of a job and I love being with my students. This is what keeps me going! Any advice would be great as I can't find any info online (Instructor seems to be quite a new role) and I'm not a member of any union. I am looking into this though. Cheerz.

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